Creating A Sense of Community in Allegheny County



What is SEL? Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is Building Healthy

Relationships with Ourselves and With Others, in Diverse Communities.  


In October 2023, the Office of Child Development began a yearlong journey to bring more Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to Allegheny County. Over 450 people gathered with their neighbors and colleagues to think about how to create a stronger sense of community in Allegheny County. Together, we thought of “A Sense of Community” as a place where you share your stories and invite others to share their stories, so that everyone feels like they belong. One idea that stood out was that we often create a sense of community with people who are similar to us. But actually, learning about our differences can be a beautiful way to build connections too. Many agreed that people in our organizations and neighborhoods are longing for a greater sense of community. Loneliness, isolation, and social anxiety are on the rise and there are ways we could all reach out to each other to build connection and belonging. Below is what we learned and each of us came up with ways that we might Create a Sense of Community in our personal and professional lives. What might you do to make your neighborhood feel like a welcoming community?

“We need to open that vulnerability door. Sometimes I am afraid to share my stories, but I want to be brave. I want to know your stories too.

I want to see your humanity. Everyone has value. My door is open.” - Higher Education SEL Community of Practice  


When we discussed ways to create a Sense of Community, here are some ideas that came up. If you are interested in Creating a Sense of Community, take the first step today! 

  1. Take time to slow down and get to know people. What are their names, what is important to them? And be willing to share about yourself too. These connections are important and are worth our time and energy.
  2. If you are already in a group, ask if others want to talk about how your group wants to be together. Make community agreements, and discuss what you hope this group will feel like. What will you do if it does not feel that way? (Here is an example to get you started.) 
  3. Meet people where they are. If the group you are in is not interested in social gatherings, bring social moments into the times you are already together. By asking people for their ideas and remembering to bring them up again next time you see each other, they learn that you are listening and you care. 



Resources -

  • To learn more about Creating a Sense of Community, see these examples through writing, through sharing stories about who inspires you, and in our neighborhoods by welcoming new Pittsburghers.
  • Follow this link for more info about choosing, using, and donating great picture books for change.  
  • If you are looking to purchase more High-Quality, Racially Affirming Picture Books to support SEL learning, check out our fantastic partners at the Young Dreamers Bookstore,


For more details, check out this story from our funder at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit.

To see how the journey continues, check out our November 2023 Community of Practce topic: Building Relationships.


Gratitude -

Thank you for funding and leadership provided by Project SEEKS, Allegheny Intermediate Unit, PA.